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Now, let me ask you: How long do you plan on living? To what age?  70?  80?  90?  100+?

Now. take that figure and add 10 extra healthy years to it. What if you could live to 100 and beyond without the pain and disease that most people think comes with old age? Is this possible?  Well, a hundred years ago it wasn't.  In the year 1900, the average person lived to the ripe old age of only 47 years.  Today the average person lives to about  76. That's 79 for women and 72 for men.[1]

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Source for data:  National Center for Health Statistics, 1996
International Comparative Analysis of Injury and Mortality

The Danger Zone!

Today, the risk of dying of any thing before you are 40 is really very small. But starting at 40, you enter the zone of the 7 deadly diseases. How deadly are they? They kill more than 80% of us.[2]    Can you guess what they are?

Heart Disease

The 7 deadly diseases will send millions of people to an early grave this year. Not thousands, but millions!

Here's the good news.

None of these diseases is inevitable. All of them can possibly be avoided or at least delayed - and in some cases even reversed - by following a few simple steps that I'll share with you before we're done. Because of this, more and more of us will be living healthy lives all the way to one hundred and beyond.

How about you? Do you want to live to 100? With the way trends are going, you may reach 100 whether you want to or not. And that scares some people. We tend to think of old people as frail and sickly but research on those who live to one hundred finds them 'amazingly frisky" 84% function well, and 73% rate their health as good to excellent. So what is their secret? As a group, they like to walk, they are rarely overweight, and 5200 take extra vitamins and minerals daily.[7]   If you want to join them, you'll have to adopt many of the same habits.  And one of your first goals is to avoid the deadly seven for as long as possible.

Know thy enemy!

There is an adage in war. Know thy enemy.   Each of us is being stalked by 7 mortal diseases. If we don't want to be cut down early, we need to find out more about these diseases so we'll better understand how to conquer them.

Public Enemy #1: Heart Disease

Heart disease kills a million people a year in North America alone, and millions more worldwide. It's an epidemic. It's the equivalent of wiping out entire cities of people like San Diego or Sydney or Vancouver every year. Year after year. Or to say it another way. .Somebody dies at least every 32 seconds from heart disease.[8]    Six million North Americans have it right now - one in every three adults - according to the Journal of the American Medical Association.[9]    Heart disease is deadly. But just what is it?  It's not a disease you catch like a cold. It's a disease you eat. Improper diet causes a sludge called plaque to slowly clog up your arteries, stopping the flow of vital oxygen and nutrients to your heart muscles. When your arteries finally plug up, you have a heart attack.    This happens to over 1.5 million people a year. For most of them, it's a total surprise. They had no idea their arteries were clogged. 1/3 of them will die on the way to the hospital, with no second chance, no time to say goodbye.[10]   Those who do survive suffer through expensive and painful therapies. These days, a coronary bypass surgery costs about $25,000.[11]  

And all of this expense and pain and death may be unnecessary

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