Making Money | The Gift of Time
I believe I have found the perfect present for almost anyone. It is the one thing most people would like, not just for next year but for all the years that follow. Unfortunately, it is also the one thing that neither you nor anybody else can buy, rent, or steal. A person has to be a part of a team in order to give it to themselves. Ask anyone what he or she needs most, and odds are the answer will be time. Yet even if we could magically buy or steal more sand for our daily hourglasses,our issues with time don’t relate to inventory, but to application. I’m convinced that most of us, given more hours, would simply squander them in the same ways we always do. What we lack isn’t time, but effectiveness. And effectiveness comes not from endless activity through endless days, but from focus. Few of us have a written personal plan - a personal constitution that describes our goals and how we will achieve them. How would you describe, in a sentence or less, how you want to spend your days to maximize your effectiveness? In order for a person to have more time, one must first understand a couple of principles: Money is nothing more than an energy exchange. In the big picture of life, what we are really doing is trading our efforts in exchange for someone else’s efforts, using the greenback as the median. If you had several people working on the same projects you are trying to complete throughout the day, the amount of your personal exerted energy would be the same, but you would have completed your project in a fraction of the time. The amount you personally exerted was small; the amount you reaped was great. This is what is known as leveraging your time. It is much better than optimizing your time or trying to be as efficient as possible in order to squeeze in as much as humanly possible into a day. This is one of the main benefits that interested me when I understood this business model. Here we can have tens, to hundreds, or thousands of people all working as a team and then reaping the exponential profit. |