About Us | Healthy Skepticism
This site does not profess to teach you every intricacy regarding our business. That would take a while. This web site is about building a healthier world via increased communication, greater convenience, improved information access, and personal empowerment. Spending time in here is like learning to drive a car. You don't have to know all the physics, chemistry, engineering, and mathematics of an automobile in order to learn how to drive it. But you do need to know about the gas pedal, the brake, the steering wheel, and the gear shift lever. With those basics, you can drive on most roads with ease. My purpose here is to give you an easy to use, powerful procedure for enhancing your personal performance. In order to make it work, you need to take your new vehicle (your business) out and drive it, of course, with the help and support of a mentor. Realize that there will be some twists and turns on the road ahead, but the journey is beautiful. And the outcome will be more stunning than you can even imagine. Healthy Skepticism
Innovation usually meets with skepticism because it violates people's beliefs. Rapid remedies for "difficult" and arduous problems are, in some circles, considered impossible, and anyone who acknowledges doing them rapidly is labeled a charlatan. "After all," the belief goes, "developing prosperity should entail a lifetime of arduous work." Beliefs are very powerful. We fight wars over them. We build monuments to them. Political systems are built on them. But, alas, sometimes they aren't true. We just think they are. If your reaction to the promises made in the preceding pages includes an "it's too good to be true" attitude... then I have probably already violated your beliefs. This is healthy and to be expected. New ideas should be subject to rigorous scrutiny. It lends them strength in the long run. You have at your finger tips a major improvement. As you will see, it is based on the soundest of business principles. But because it is so dramatically different from "conformist marketing," it is understandably, greeted with skepticism. Our business is not alone in this. Other innovations have met with similar attitudes. Here are a few quotes from history: "Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible."
"Everything that can be invented has been invented."
"Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote."
"There is no likelihood man can ever tap the power of the atom."
"Who the heck wants to hear actors talk?"
But even if you have no skepticism whatsoever and soak this up quickly and enthusiastically, I guarantee that you will run into major skepticism from others you try to help. How do I know this? Years of experience. This skepticism is not to be criticized. However, it does need to be understood. People reach into their own bag of knowledge. They ponder what the media has spoon-fed them, along with their prior experiences, and link what just happened to what they already "know" to be true. Our business isn't in that bag (yet) and so they have difficulty making the link. Now I know how scientists of several centuries ago felt when they tried to tell flat earth believers that the world was round. Again, doubters are not to be criticized. But it is important to observe and understand there is a high likelihood you are among them. That's why I am telling you this. If you are not aware of it, you may "explain it away" and turn your back on your ticket to true health and financial freedom and all the lifetime benefits it offers to you and your family. Often, the people who experience vast success in USANA started off somewhere between doubtful and outright hostile toward the idea of optimum health and financial freedom. None of them believed that they could actually have that. But since they opened their minds, the possibilities have been endless. |