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Virtually every physician in the United States utilizes the Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR) - the most widely applied compilation of prescribing information used by physicians. Readership studies indicate that nine out of ten doctors consider the PDR their most important and most frequently consulted reference book.
The PDR is an annual directory of pharmaceutical, biological, and diagnostic products intended as a service to the medical field. Significance of the listings Physicians and health care professionals rely on the PDR as a source for understanding the many pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical products available. Physicians often recommend or prescribe a certain product or pharmaceutical based on the validity and reliability of the descriptions in the PDR. Physicians depend on the fact that the manufactured product described in the PDR contains the exact amounts and types of ingredients listed and that the product delivers the precise effects described therein. Each year, copies of the PDR are distributed to approximately a half-million practicing physicians and chief pharmacists at major hospitals in the United States. In addition, medically sophisticated consumers, institutions, and other allied health professionals - including dentists, nurses, veterinarians, hospitals, managed care organizations, and public and legal libraries - purchase the book, raising the total distribution to well over one million copies. The PDR includes prescribing information on over 3,500 products from more than 250 manufacturers. USANA™ products are also included in the Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties (CPS).
Both of these are popular compilations of prescribing information used by physicians. USANA products are obviously made with a solid standard of quality, reliability, and integrity. So, if you speak to your physicians or health care professionals and they are unfamiliar with USANA Health Sciences, have them look the products up in their PDR or CPS. Physicians and health care professionals rely on these resources for clarity and understanding. If quality of life is important to you, then send us a note to arrange a time to discuss this further. Click here to view a PDF file "Comparing Variety of Children’s Vitamins & Flow Chart." |